17 May 2012

Doing a Psychic or Tarot Reading for Yourself

My friend and Mentor, Joy, has done it again. She really is wise, and a great writer, so I recommend her to you hands-down, full stop.

Her newsletter today (http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=3d2e4805e90d05c3a892356b6&id=cdd5d843d5)  really struck a chord with me. It is a little like that adage "physician heal thyself" And also another piece of genius excellence by Theresa Reed (http://www.thetarotlady.com/what-i-wish-my-tarot-clients-knew/).

It is true what Theresa said, that we readers do (or should do) a lot of self-care...and you should too because you deserve it. It is true too, what Joy said. It is possible to read for oneself...with a little detachment it works well. For me, the best way to gain that little bit of space is to use an oracle tool of some kind....tarot cards, "medicine cards" (by David Carson and Jamie Sams. I've had mine since '89 or so, but they are still around...http://www.amazon.com/Medicine-Cards-Discovery-Through-Animals/dp/0312204914/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1337292547&sr=8-1), or another favorite...I Ching coin toss. The tangible results, the undeniability of the card in front of you, helps keep that step of distance to get the guidance you need, not the answer you want.

Do any of you read for yourself? Id be interested to know what you do to keep yourself honest, what you do to get to the root of the problem and the highest and best guidance for yourself when  a do-it-yourself reading seems the way to go instead of getting a reading from a trusted fellow-reader. What do you think?

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